Competition? It is rather self-expression and celebration. It is a celebration, because you can finally present to the highly appreciated audience the huge amount of work that you have invested into your performance. For us, artists, the most important thing is that we can dance and show off in front of them, right?
You express your feelings and recharge. You get recharged by the audience as you feel them while dancing and playing. You share your secrets with them. You open the lid of your secret box and wait for the Miracle.
And the Miracle will come, because you’ve earned it. You’ve put your heart and soul into it. No matter if you present as first or last, no matter what place you end up. The main thing is to give and recharge. Give out everything that has accumulated in you. Release it, let it go.
You’ll get recharged by us as well. We will pay attention to you.
Let’s be part of the Miracle again and celebrate together!
What makes ‘Art’ in Pole Art?
Pole Artistic Hungary
Pole Artistic Regulations 2025
Pole Artistic Declaration 2025